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Exercise, Dance and Wellbeing

Introduction to Mindfulness and Wellbeing


Start date: 4th Jun 2024

Time: 19:00 - 20:30

Cost: £45

Day: Tuesday

Duration: 5 weeks

Tutor: Ruth Eagin

Course code: 24SU083

Soothe into summer by slowing down with mindful awareness.

Course aims:

An introduction to mindfulness which will provide space to learn how being mindful brings awareness into everything we do with positive benefits for our health, happiness, relationships and work, therefore creating a more balanced and less stress approach to life.

It can be helpful for everyone living in our fast paced world and for those who would like to take time out from the home or work environment during the week to do some guided mindful practice and relaxation in a safe environment, please note this is not a group therapy session or an official (MBSR)Mindfulness based stress reduction course but by making a commitment for a six week period, skills can be learned to gain more awareness and acceptance of physical or emotional discomfort and coping strategies of being able to notice what is going on inside and outside of ourselves and to integrate some quiet time and peace which can enable a positive shift .5 weekly sessions of 1.5 hours

At each session you will be able to enjoy some guided mindful practice and relaxation which can take place either seated in ordinary chairs or on the floor (mats provided by you might like to bring your own cushion or blanket) participants choose to suit their own comfort.

 There will be some general discussion and information about health and wellbeing and time to just to stop as we all lead busy lives and often miss out by not stopping to notice what is really there in the present moment.

Information about national Mindfulness programmes and self-help books, apps will also be given.

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Ruth Eagin

Ruth Eagin

With a background in Complementary Therapies as a practitioner and teacher, Ruth is passionate about, promoting wellness and kindness, creating a healthier work life balance and reducing stress from our daily lives, by sharing information and helping to motivate and guide others.

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